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Upsacle Auctions


A 15% buyer’s premium will be added. The sales tax will be charged on the total of the bid price and the 15% buyers’ premium. All goods are sold “final sale as is” at the time of sale subject to all faults and defects whether or not any inspection is made by or on behalf of the purchaser. All lots are subject to a reserve and /or minimum bid. The consignor has the right to withdraw, divide or consolidate any lot and refuse any bid in accordance with uniform commercial code.

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Appraisals provide a description of each item offered and submit a retail replacement value to the item for insurance purposes. We do not recommend you base your decision to buy an item based on the appraisal value. Please be informed that the appraisals have been prepared by independent appraisers, and the retail value may be very high or very low and there may be variation in the grading of the jewels. However, due to the subjective nature of the grading and the appraising process, the auctioneer does not assume any liability for the appraisal certificates.

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  • While descriptions are believed to be accurate, all statements or representations on such matters, whether printed in a catalog or made orally, are statements of opinion only and are not a representation of facts.
  • The auctioneer disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability as to any items purchased.
  • The auctioneer specifically makes no warranty or representation as to the value of any particular item.
  • The auctioneer disclaims for itself and for the vendor and/or the consignor, any and all responsibility for authenticity, age, origin, condition, size, weight, quality or kind. Purchasers are deemed to have satisfied themselves on authenticity, condition, etc. before bidding.
  • No one in the auctioneers employ has the authority to make any representation of fact whatsoever.
  • The terms of this warranty may only be varied in writing.
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  • While in the course of the auction the auctioneer may make statements about the goods subject to auction, such statements do not constitute warranties, shall not be relied up by the buyer, and are not part of these terms and conditions of sale.
  • Any dispute arising under or in connection with this agreement shall be resolved by private, binding arbitration administered by JAMS, pursuant to the Virginia Uniform Arbitration Act.
  • A hearing before a single arbitrator shall be held in the corresponding County where the auction was held. The results of the arbitration shall be and remain confidential and unpublished.
  • A violation of confidentiality shall result in the forfeiture and return of any consideration received from the arbitration, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty.

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